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Making an Impact

Happy,Multi,Generational,Women,Having,Fun,Together, ,Multiracial,Friends

The Autoimmune Association is the world’s leading nonprofit dedicated to autoimmune awareness, education, advocacy, and research. We are passionate about creating hope and a better future for people living with autoimmune disease.

Learn more about our history, initiatives, and where we’re headed next!

Impact Report Cover

2023 Impact Report

Read about our work in 2023 in the areas of advocacy, awareness, education, and research.

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Our History


Inception of the Autoimmune Association

us map


Established a nationwide referral service and developed patient education materials.



Co-sponsored first international conference on autoimmunity in Orlando, Florida.

Black And White Gavel


Successfully advocated for legislation establishing the NIH Autoimmune Diseases Coordinating Committee.

Working Together Scaled


Established the National Coalition of Autoimmune Patient Groups, which now includes over 50 organizations.

Microscope Scaled


Successfully advocated for a $30 million additional NIH funding of autoimmune research.

Media Interview Scaled


Engaged a national spokesperson and began advocating for a national autoimmune research plan.

johns hopkins university


Provided initial funding for the first Center for Autoimmune Disease Research in the nation at Johns Hopkins University.

Woman With Glasses And Folder Scaled


Successfully advocated for passage of the Children’s Health Act, which mandated that NIH develop a National Autoimmune Diseases Research Plan.

Congressional Hearing Scaled


Sponsored a congressional briefing on autoimmunity to bring attention to the need to fund the National Autoimmune Diseases Research Plan.

All Hands On Deck Scaled


Initiated a National Alliance for Autoimmune Awareness involving the NIH, Johns Hopkins University Center for Autoimmune Disease Research, patient groups, and corporations.

Press Conference Scaled


Conducted a National Awareness Campaign and sponsored a “What Every American Needs to Know” public forum.

rally washington dc


Organized an Autoimmune Rally on Capitol Hill to support the “Prevention, Awareness and Research of Autoimmune Diseases Act.”

Icons Scaled


Officially enacted March as Autoimmune Awareness Month.

Research Scaled


Reached $1 million milestone for research support.

Press Conference Scaled


Conducted a summit meeting on the Global Status of Autoimmune Diseases.



Organized a series of public and patient forums throughout the country.

Congressional Hearing Scaled


Conducted a congressional briefing on autoimmune diseases for Autoimmune Awareness Month.

Washington Post On Phone


Created a major autoimmune awareness special insert in the Washington Post.

Goals Scaled


Reached $2 million milestone for supporting research.

Press Conference Scaled


Sponsored an Autoimmune Summit and Congressional Briefing.

Th Anniversary Scaled


Celebrated The Autoimmune Association’s 25th anniversary.

Laptop Scaled


Launched ARNET, an autoimmune disease patient registry.

autoimmune association logo small square


NCAPG grew to 50 members, and new website including a robust disease list was launched.

Financial Statements

The Autoimmune Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by autoimmune disease through awareness, education, advocacy, and research. The Autoimmune Association is a BBB Accredited Charity, is recognized by the National Health Council for meeting their Standards of Excellence, is certified by America’s Best Charities, has a 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator, and has a Platinum rating from Guidestar. The Autoimmune Association prepares financial reports including annual reports, financial statements, and tax returns.

Sharing your autoimmune story helps other people

You have the opportunity to empower others by sharing your story. For many, the reminder that they are not alone in their experiences with autoimmune disease can be incredibly valuable. Share your story to make an impact and raise awareness.

Share Your Story

Judy H.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
"We all have a choice as to whether we see our glass as half empty or half full."

Lisabeth I.

"If you are struggling with autoimmune disease, become empowered-- immerse yourself in reliable information from trusted...

Jocelyn K.

Multiple sclerosis
"Awareness is important because there are so many different autoimmune diseases, but it really is all under one umbrella...

Build the future of Autoimmune Association

With your support we can continue to drive towards a better tomorrow for autoimmune patients across the country and around the world.